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Basics | Training

There are many different internet sites that offer training and assistance for internet use. However, you might want to see if a local community college offers a class on internet use; it should be much more rewarding and you will be able to make connections with others enabling you to learn more than a commercial web training course. Here are some links to some popular web based training.

Introduction to the World Wide Web:
University of Aberdeen. Twenty-nine chapters, each concentrating on an aspect of WWW use and provision.

Training On The Web
Training covers a wide range of software for computer usage and computer programming

The Internet Detective
Internet Detective is an interactive online tutorial which provides an introduction to the issues of information quality on the Internet and teaches the skills required to evaluate critically the quality of an Internet resource.

A Guide To Getting Started on the Internet

EFF's Guide to the Internet
Everybody's heard about it, and probably looked at it: now you can get it online, and even run a full-text search of its contents.

USA Library of Congress: Explore the Net
Some in-house resources and external links to materials for learning different aspects of the net e.g. searching by subject.

The Social Sciences Information Gateway SOSIG) contains some information and pointers to further Internet training materials.

Using the Internet
This document is an overview of the Health Care Libraries Unit (HCLU) Internet training course. This course was developed as part of the HCLU Internet Project. This course will give people who have not used the Internet before answers to the questions

What is the Internet?
What can the Internet do for me?
How do I use the Internet?

Commercial organisation offering brief lessons or full courses on the Internet.

 WebMaster's Overview Of The World Wide Web
Online seminar" (that promises) to help demystify the Web. Covers importance of the Web, describes what the Web is, and discusses browsers, servers, URLs, HTML, etc.