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Galaxie Blog 3.57 is Released

   Galaxie Blog 3.57 is Released

Galaxie Blog 3.57 has been released. This post highlights some of the new features.                                      
How to Temporarily Disable Database Triggers and Constraints for Bulk Operations in Modern Databases

How to Temporarily Disable Database Triggers and Constraints for Bulk Operations in Modern Databases

In this article, we will explore how to temporarily disable database triggers and constraints.                                       
Creating Animated Parallax Scenes Using ScrollMagic and ColdFusion

Creating Animated Parallax Scenes Using ScrollMagic and ColdFusion

In this article, I will provide a high-level overview of ScrollMagic and show you how to use ColdFusion to programmatically create stunning parallax scenes using ScrollMagic.
Easilly Port your ACF ORM Code to Lucee 6 Using the Ortus ORM Extension

Easilly Port your ACF ORM Code to Lucee 6 Using the Ortus ORM Extension

This post will discuss how to port your existing Adobe ColdFusion-based ORM code to Lucee using the Otrus ORM Extension.
Using Kendo UI Windows to Implement Multi-Step Web Interfaces

Using Kendo UI Windows to Implement Multi-Step Web Interfaces

In this article, I will show you how to use the Kendo Window to create sophisticated multi-step interfaces.
Robert Zehnder's Kis Digital Site has Been Added to

Robert Zehnder's Kis Digital Site has Been Added to

Unfortunately, I missed Robert's site when I surveyed ColdFusion Blogs while setting up the new CfBlogs site. Robert has been blogging about ColdFusion and CommandBox since 2020, and his site is now added to CfBlogs.
Lighthouse Scores of Blog Sites Driven by ColdFusion

Lighthouse Scores of Blog Sites Driven by ColdFusion

According to, the industry-standard lighthouse scores for major blog platforms like WordPress and Wix are disappointing. In this article, we will analyze popular ColdFusion Blog sites and see how they compare.

Building Image Sliders with Stunning Transitions Using Swiper

In this article, I will show you how to implement sliders and carousels with stunning transition effects using Swiper. We will also discuss some of the benefits and drawbacks of carousels and when it is best to use them.  Finally, we will incorporate uploading the carousel images using Uppy with a ColdFusion backend. 
Creating Image Galleries with FancyBox

Creating Image Galleries with FancyBox

Image Galleries can be an effective way to tell a story in a visually appealing way. In this article, I will show you how to use FancyBox to create web-based galleries.